  1. Fees may be deposited at the Extension counter of the Bank in the school campus from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on all working days till the 15th. The timings will remain the same throughout the year.
  2. Parents are requested to use the bank gate which opens towards Chander Nagar when they come to pay the fees of their wards. On no account must the front school gate be used.
  3. If the school dues are not paid by the end of the month, the name of the student shall be struck off the rolls. In case the name is struck off, the student shall not be permitted to sit in the class until re-admission of the student is effected on payment of arrears of installment along with Rs. 500/- as re-admission charges.
  4. If fee is not paid by the 15th then it can be paid either on the 20th of the month with a fine of Rs. 30.00 or the 25th with a fine of Rs. 50.00 or on the last working day of the month (30th or 31st as the case may be) with a fine of Rs. 80.00. Under no circumstances will fees be accepted on any other day. In case of a change in fees date, due to a holiday, an announcement to this effect will be made in the Assembly.
  5. The school reserves all rights connected with admission/re-admission.